Mark MansonThe “Once in a Lifetime” ParadoxA life that chases rare experiences is all breadth and no depth.Nov 21, 20228Nov 21, 20228
CynthiaIn My Mind, I Died at 21It has been said that a person dies twice: one time when you stop breathing and a second time, a bit later on when somebody says your name…Aug 23, 202124Aug 23, 202124
JanaAfternoons with DeathDeath is pleasant, I had coffee with him the other day. He makes me quite decent After every hearty parlay.Jan 21, 2022Jan 21, 2022
JanaMaybe god messed upDo you believe in god? Or the Big Bang? Either way there must have been a start Else how do I keep my conscious? The start must have been…Feb 26, 2022Feb 26, 2022
JanaSuperglueFriend of mine Hold me steady As I drink red wine at half past five, soft whispers of dreams longing for the sickness to end, Curfew has…Jan 26, 2022Jan 26, 2022
JanaEmptyLet’s talk about empty, How we all seem to be; Looking for meanings, Looking for answers, Looking to be free. There’s nothing to fill us…Jan 23, 2022Jan 23, 2022